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In the shadow of pre-WWII Germany, 17-year-old Ilse is pregnant, penniless, and cast out by her own father. Her last refuge looms in the form of Lebensborn, a secretive maternity home for children of "pure blood."

In the shadow of pre-WWII Germany, 17-year-old Ilse finds herself alone, pregnant, and penniless—cast out by her family and thrust into the arms of Lebensborn, the Nazis' secretive program designed to propagate Aryan purity.

Yet Ilse harbors a perilous secret within the walls of Lebensborn: her unborn child's father is Jewish. Surrounded by the very architects of the regime's sinister vision, she must rely on her cunning, her knowledge of herbs, and her indomitable spirit to hide the truth and keep her child safe.

As the Reich's scrutiny intensifies, Ilse's place within Lebensborn becomes a gilded cage, with each day edging her closer to exposure. Forced to navigate a labyrinth of lies and make unthinkable choices, her fight for survival transforms into a quest for identity, redemption, and defiance that could alter the course of her life forever.

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